This POST API allows pushing Order CXML posted in ERP to GEP SMART for further processing.
URL Format: https://<Instance>/SmartInterfaceAPI/api/Order/OrderDetails
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Success Scenario - Request
Request below describes that this contains only the mandatory attributes:
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Success Scenario - Response
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Error Scenario - Request
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Error Scenario - Response
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InterfaceOrder |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
BasicDetails |
Yes |
InterfaceDocument object |
SupplierDetails |
No |
SupplierDetails object |
OrderContact |
No |
List of InterfaceContact object |
Check data type Order Contact for details |
RequisitionNumber |
No |
String |
Requisition Number of the entity |
headerEntities |
Yes |
List of InterfaceOrgEntity |
OrderSource |
Yes |
String |
Order Source of the entity |
BillToLocation |
Yes |
List of InterfaceLocation object |
Check data type InterfaceLocation for details |
Currency |
Yes |
String |
Currency of the entity |
FobCode |
Yes |
String |
Fob Code of the entity |
FobLocationCode |
Yes |
String |
Fob Location Code of the entity |
FreightTermsCode |
Yes |
String |
Freight Terms Code of the entity |
TransitTypeCode |
Yes |
String |
Transit Type Code of the entity |
CarriersCode |
Yes |
String |
Carriers Code of the entity |
MatchType |
No |
String |
Match Type of the entity |
No |
List of InterfaceOrderItem object |
Check data type InterfaceOrderItem for details |
ReceivingStatus |
No |
String |
Receiving Status of the entity |
BlanketStartDate |
No |
DateTime |
Blanket Start Date of the entity |
BlanketEndDate |
No |
DateTime |
Blanket End Date of the entity |
RevisionNumber |
No |
String |
Revision Number of the entity |
BlanketDocumentNumber |
No |
String |
Blanket Document Number of the entity |
TransmissionMode |
No |
String |
BuyerVatNumber |
No |
String |
Buyer Vat Number of the entity |
PurchaseTypeDescription |
No |
String |
Purchase Type Description of the entity |
IsPcardSupportedForOrder |
No |
Boolean |
Billable |
No |
Boolean |
SourceSystemName |
No |
String |
Source System Name of the entity |
ItemTotalAmount |
No |
Decimal |
Item Total Amount of the entity |
Tax |
No |
Decimal |
Tax of the entity |
Shipping |
No |
Decimal |
Shipping of the entity |
AdditionalCharges |
No |
Decimal |
Additional Charges of the entity |
TotalAmount |
No |
Decimal |
Total Amount of the entity |
No |
List of TaxesAndCharges object |
Check data type TaxesAndCharges for details |
Comments |
No |
List of InterfaceComment object |
Check data type InterfaceComment for details |
WorkOrderNumber |
No |
String |
Work Order Number of the entity |
ErpOrderType |
No |
Int |
ERP Order Type of the entity |
BudgetDescription |
No |
String |
Budget Description of the entity |
No |
List of CustomAttributes object |
Check data type CustomAttributes for details |
FobCodeDescription |
No |
String |
Fob Code Description of the entity |
FobLocationDescription |
No |
String |
Fob Location Description of the entity |
CarriersDescription |
No |
String |
Carriers Description of the entity |
TransitTypeDescription |
No |
String |
Transit Type Description of the entity |
FreightTermsDescription |
No |
String |
Freight Terms Description of the entity |
Ers |
No |
Boolean |
isUrgent |
No |
Boolean |
ShipToLocation |
No |
List of InterfaceLocation object |
Check data type InterfaceLocation for details |
DeliverToLocation |
No |
List of InterfaceLocation object |
Check data type InterfaceLocation for details |
InterfaceDocument |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
DocumentName |
String |
Document Name of the entity. |
DocumentNumber |
Yes |
String |
Document Number of the entity. |
DocumentStatus |
Yes |
String |
Document Status of the entity |
DocumentCreator |
Yes |
String |
Document Creator of the entity |
CreatedOn |
Yes |
String |
Created On of the entity |
DocumentLobDetails |
Yes |
List of InterfaceOrgEntity object |
Check data type InterfaceOrgEntity for details |
OperationName |
Yes |
String |
Operation Name of the entity. |
SupplierDetails |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
clientPartnerCode |
Yes |
String |
ClientPartnerCode of the entity |
orderingLocation |
String |
OrderingLocation of the entity |
supplierContact |
Type of InterfaceContact |
SupplierContact of the entity |
paymentTermCode |
Yes |
String |
Payment Term Code of the entity |
InterfaceContact |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
clientContactCode |
String |
ClientPartnerCode of an entity |
emailAddress |
String |
The email address of the buyer |
firstName |
String |
FirstName of the buyer |
lastName |
String |
LastName of the entity |
OrderItems |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
ItemLineNumber |
Yes |
Long |
Item Line Number of the entity |
Quantity |
Decimal |
Quantity of the entity |
String |
UOM of the entity |
StartDate |
Yes |
DateTime |
Start Date of the entity |
EndDate |
Yes |
DateTime |
End Date of the entity |
DateNeeded |
Yes |
DateTime |
Date Needed of the entity |
No |
List of itemSplitsDetail object |
Check data type ItemSplitsDetail for details |
Requestor |
No |
String |
Requestor of the entity |
RequisitionNumber |
No |
String |
RequisitionNumber of the entity |
IsCloseForReceiving |
No |
Boolean |
IsCloseForReceiving of the entity |
IsCloseForInvoicing |
No |
Boolean |
IsCloseForInvoicing of the entity |
LstStandardAndProcedureDetails |
No |
List of LstStandardAndProcedureDetails object |
Check data type LstStandardAndProcedureDetails for details |
ReqItemLineNumber |
No |
Long |
ReqItemLine Number of the entity |
ContingentWorkerName |
No |
String |
Contingent Worker Name of the entity |
LobTitleName |
No |
String |
Job Title Name of the entity |
RequestorEmailAddress |
No |
String |
Requestor Email Address of the entity |
Description |
No |
String |
Description of the entity |
UnitPrice |
No |
Decimal |
Unit Price of the entity |
Currency |
No |
String |
Currency of the entity |
ManufacturerName |
No |
String |
Manufacturer Name of the entity |
ManufacturerPartNumber |
No |
String |
Manufacturer Part Number of the entity |
ItemType |
No |
String |
ItemType of the entity |
ItemExtendedType |
No |
String |
ItemExtendedType of the entity |
No |
List of InterfaceDocumentItemShippingDetail object |
Check data type InterfaceDocumentItemShippingDetail for details |
AdditionalCharges |
No |
Decimal |
Additional Charges of the entity |
ShippingCharges |
No |
Decimal |
Shipping Charges of the entity |
Tax |
No |
Decimal |
Tax of the entity |
IsTaxExempt |
No |
Boolean |
DateRequested |
No |
DateTime |
Date Requested of the entity |
ItemStatus |
No |
String |
Item Status of the entity |
CategoryName |
No |
String |
Category Name of the entity |
ItemTotalAmount |
No |
Decimal |
Item Total Amount of the entity |
No |
Decimal |
UNSPSC of the entity |
ItemNumber |
No |
String |
Item Number of the entity |
SupplierPartId |
No |
String |
Supplier Part Id of the entity |
SupplierPartAuxiliaryId |
No |
String |
Supplier Part Auxiliary Id of the entity |
Taxes |
No |
List of TaxesAndCharge object |
Check data type TaxesAndCharge for details |
No |
List of InterfaceComment object |
Check data type InterfaceComment for details |
ContractNo |
No |
String |
Contract No of the entity |
ClientCategoryId |
No |
String |
Client Category Id of the entity |
CapitalCode |
No |
String |
Capital Code of the entity |
MatchType |
No |
String |
Match Type of the entity |
RecoupmentPercentage |
No |
Long |
Recoupment Percentage of the entity |
ManufacturerSupplierCode |
No |
String |
Manufacturer Supplier Code of the entity |
ManufacturerModel |
No |
String |
Manufacturer Model of the entity |
No |
List of CustomAttributes object |
Check data type CustomAttributes for details |
OverallItemLimit |
No |
Decimal |
Overall Item Limit of the entity |
PromisedDate |
No |
DateTime |
Promised Date of the entity |
No |
List of InterfaceP2PAdditionalFieldAtrribute object |
Check data type InterfaceP2PAdditionalFieldAtrribute for details |
FobCode |
Yes |
String |
Fob Code of the entity |
FobLocationCode |
Yes |
String |
Fob Location Code of the entity |
FobCodeDescription |
No |
String |
Fob Code Description of the entity |
FobLocationDescription |
No |
String |
Fob Location Description of the entity |
ItemSplitsDetail |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
No |
List of InterfaceDocumentSplitItemEntity object |
Check data type InterfaceDocumentSplitItemEntity for details |
InterfaceDocumentSplitItems |
No |
Type of InterfaceDocumentSplitItems |
Check data type InterfaceDocumentSplitItems for details |
RequestorEmailAddress |
No |
String |
RequestorEmailAddress of the entity |
InterfaceDocumentSplitItems |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
SplitItemTotal |
No |
Decimal |
Split Item Total of the entity |
No |
List of CustomAttributes object |
Check data type CustomAttributes for details |
SplitType |
No |
String |
Split Type of the entity |
Quantity |
No |
Decimal |
Quantity of the entity |
Percentage |
No |
Decimal |
Percentage of the entity |
DocumentSplitItemEntities |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
EntityType |
No |
String |
Entity Type of the entity |
EntityCode |
No |
String |
Entity Code of the entity |
EntityDisplayName |
No |
String |
Entity Display Name of the entity |
CustomAttributes |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
QuestionnaireTitle |
No |
Decimal |
Questionnaire Title of the entity |
No |
List of questionnaireResponseValues object |
Check data type QuestionnaireResponseValues for details |
QuestionnaireResponseValues |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
ChildQuestionSets |
No |
ColumnText |
No |
String |
ResponseValue |
No |
String |
RowId |
No |
String |
Row Id of the entity |
DocumentItemShippingDetails |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
ShipToLocation |
No |
List of interfacelocation object |
Check data type interfacelocation for details |
DeliverToLocation |
No |
List of interfacelocation object |
Check data type interfacelocation for details |
shippingMethod |
No |
String |
Entity Display Name of the entity |
InterfaceLocation |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
LocationName |
Yes |
String |
Name of the location from where the order is placed. |
LocationNumber |
Yes |
String |
LocationNumber |
Yes |
String |
Address |
RegistrationDetails |
Yes |
String |
RegistrationDetails |
Address |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
AddressLine1 |
Yes |
String |
Address line 1 of the entity |
AddressLine2 |
String |
Address line 2 of the entity |
AddressLine3 |
String |
Address line 3 of the entity |
City |
Yes |
String |
City of the entity |
ZipCode |
Yes |
String |
Zip code of the entity |
Yes |
List of StateInfo object |
Check data type StateInfo for details |
Yes |
List of CountryInfo object |
Check data type CountryInfo for details |
PhoneNo1 |
String |
PhoneNo1 of the entity |
ExtenstionNo1 |
String |
ExtenstionNo1 of the entity |
PhoneNo2 |
String |
PhoneNo2 of the entity |
ExtenstionNo2 |
String |
ExtenstionNo2 of the entity |
MobileNo |
String |
MobileNo of the entity |
FaxNo |
String |
FaxNo of the entity |
County |
String |
County of the entity |
PoBoxNumber |
String |
PoBoxNumber of the entity |
StateInfo |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
StateAbbrevationCode |
Yes |
String |
State Abbreviation Code of the entity |
StateName |
String |
State Name of the entity |
CountryInfo |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
CountryCode |
Yes |
String |
Country Code of the entity |
CountryName |
String |
Country Name of the entity |
PartnerWiseIdentificationDetail |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
CompanyIdentificationDisplayName |
String |
Company Identification Display Name of the entity |
CompanyIdentification |
String |
Company Identification of the entity |
Comments |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
CommentText |
String |
Comment Text of the entity |
List of InterfaceCommentAttachment object |
Check data type InterfaceCommentAttachment for details |
AccessType |
String |
Access type of the entity |
CommentAttachment |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
FileName |
String |
FileName of the entity |
FileUri |
String |
FileUri of the entity |
Extension |
String |
Extenstion of the entity |
ContentTransferEncoding |
String |
ContentTransferEncoding of the entity |
AttachmentData |
String |
AttachmentData of the query |
AdditionalFieldAttributes |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
AdditionalFieldValue |
No |
String |
Additional Field Value of the entity |
AdditionalFieldCode |
No |
String |
Additional Field Code of the entity |
AdditionalFieldName |
No |
String |
Additional Field Name of the entity |
TaxesAndCharges |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
TaxDescription |
No |
String |
Tax Description of the entity |
TaxMode |
No |
String |
Tax Mode of the entity |
TaxValue |
No |
Decimal |
Tax Value of the entity |
TaxPercentage |
No |
Decimal |
Tax Percentage of the entity |
TaxCode |
No |
String |
Tax Code of the entity |
IsAccrueTax |
No |
Boolean |
IsAccrueTax of the entity |
TaxType |
String |
Tax Type of the Entity |
FileDetail |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
FileName |
String |
File Name of the entity |
FileUri |
String |
File Uri of the entity |
AttachmentData |
String |
File Attachment Data of the entity |
InterfaceOrgEntity |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
EntityCode |
Yes |
String |
Entity Code of the entity |
EntityType |
String |
Entity Type |