This POST API allows creating Contracts into GEP SMART for further processing.
URL Format: https://<Instance>/SmartInterfaceAPI/api/Contract/SaveContractDetails
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"errorDetails": [
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"errors": [
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"successDetails": [
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Success Scenario – Request
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"ContractDocumentTypeDescription": "Amendment",
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"PreUtilizedValue": null,
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"PartnerTypeName": "Company"
"ContractAdministrator": "",
"ContractAuthor": "",
"ContractAuthorFirstName": "",
"ContractAuthorLastName": "",
"Url": "",
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"VisibleTo": "test",
"CommentType": "test"
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"ContractTypeDescription": "Vendor Contracts",
"ContractDocumentTypeDescription": "Amendment",
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"DateExecuted": "2022-12-02T00:00:00",
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"ContractRenewalType": "",
"DateExpiry": null,
"ExpiryDateType": "Perpetually",
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"PreUtilizedValue": null,
"ContractLimit": 0.0,
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"PartnerTypeName": "Company"
"ContractAdministrator": "",
"ContractAuthor": "",
"ContractAuthorFirstName": "",
"ContractAuthorLastName": "",
"Url": "",
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"ContractTerminationDate": "",
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"InboundContractComments": [
"CommentSequenceNumber": "1",
"CommentText": "Test Commentssss",
"CommentBy": "",
"VisibleTo": "Internal Users",
"CommentType": "General comment by"
Success Scenario – Response
"data": null,
"statusCode": "200",
"errorDetails": [],
"successDetails": [
"key": "CWT0017861"
InterfaceContractModel | ||||
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
ContractDetails |
Yes |
ContractDetails object |
Should not be null |
AdditionalInformationTabList |
No |
List of InboundAdditionalInformationTab object |
lstContractLinkInfo |
No |
List of ContractLinkInfo object |
ContractLineItemList |
No |
List of ContractLineItem object |
InboundContractComments |
No |
List of InboundContractComment object |
ContractAttachments |
No |
ContractAttachments object |
ContractDetails | ||||
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
DocumentName |
No |
String |
Contract name value cannot be blank or must be less than 100 characters. |
DocumentNumber |
No |
String |
Contract number already exists. Contract number doesn't exists. |
ContractMode |
No |
String |
Contract mode field cannot be left blank or an invalid value specified. Cannot perform update operation because document is not in pre-signed Mode Invalid document mode for update action. Multiple parties are not supported for 'Draft Online' Contracts(i.e. Where Mode=Draft) |
DocumentStatusInfo |
No |
String |
Contract status field cannot be blank or an invalid value has been specified. You are not authorized to update in this status. Invalid workflow action. You cannot move the contract to this status.
IsConfidential |
No |
Boolean |
Confidential contract field cannot be left blank or an invalid value has been specified or you are not authorized to update in this status. |
Creator |
No |
String |
Invalid contract creator value has been specified which does not exist in the system. Enter unique email Id for creator. You cannot update contract creator. |
ContractTypeDescription |
No |
String |
Contract type should not be blank or invalid value specified. |
ContractDocumentTypeDescription |
No |
String |
Document type should not be blank or invalid value specified. |
ContractDescription |
No |
String |
Contract description cannot be greater than 2000 characters. |
DocumentPasList |
No |
List of InboundDocumentPas object |
DocumentPasList is mandatory, should not be null |
EntityDetails |
No |
List of InboundEntityDetail object |
EntityDetails is mandatory |
DocumentRegionList |
No |
List of InboundDocumentRegion object |
DocumentRegionList is mandatory |
LegalCompanys |
No |
List of InboundLegalCompanys object |
DocumentStakeHolderList |
No |
List of InboundDocumentStakeHolder object |
DateEffective |
No |
DateTime |
Contract effective date field cannot be left blank or an invalid value has been specified. Effective date update is not allowed for current document status. |
DateExecuted |
No |
DateTime |
The Execution date format is incorrect. |
ContractRenewalType |
No |
String |
Renewal type field cannot be left blank or an invalid value has been specified. |
DateExpiry |
No |
DateTime |
Contract expiry date cannot be left blank if 'Effective Till' field has value as 'Expiry Date' or an invalid value has been specified or contract has been specified perpetual as well. Expiry Cannot Be Before Effective Date. Expiry date update is not allowed for current document status. |
ExpiryDateType |
No |
String |
ContractValue |
No |
Integer |
Invalid Contract Value. Contract value cannot be greater than 15 digits Contract Value cannot be updated in this status. |
ContractLimit |
No |
Integer |
Contract limit cannot be greater than 16 digits Invalid Contract Limit |
ContractCurrency |
No |
String |
Contract currency field cannot be left blank or an invalid currency value has been specified. Contract Currency cannot be updated in this status. |
ContractAuthor |
No |
String |
Contract author field cannot be left blank or an invalid value has been specified. Enter unique email Id for Author. |
PaymentTermDetails |
No |
InboundPaymentTermDetails object |
ContractTerminationComments |
No |
String |
ContractTerminationDate |
No |
String |
Termination Date field cannot be left blank or an invalid value has been specified. Termination date cannot be updated in this status. |
ParentContractNumber |
No |
String |
Parent contract number value specified is invalid. Parent Contract Number cannot be updated in this status. |
RenewalTerm |
No |
String |
Renewal term field cannot be left blank when 'Renewal' type field value is 'Automatically' or an invalid value has been specified. |
RenewalTermType |
No |
String |
Renewal term field cannot be left blank when 'Renewal' type field value is 'Automatically' or an invalid value has been specified. |
RenewalFrequency |
No |
Integer |
TerminationTermType |
No |
String |
ErpNumber |
No |
String |
ERP Number is not valid for this Contract Type |
AmendmentTypeDescription |
No |
String |
Invalid Amendment Type |
contractTerm |
No |
Long |
contractTermTypeInfo |
No |
String |
preUtilizedValue |
No |
Decimal |
Pre-utilized value should not be greater than contract value Pre-utilized should not be greater than the difference of contract value and utilized value Invalid Pre-utilized value Pre-utilized value cannot be updated in this status |
contractAdministrator |
No |
String |
contractAuthorFirstName |
No |
String |
contractAuthorLastName |
No |
String |
url |
No |
String |
lastApprover |
No |
String |
ContractLanguageAttachmentName |
No | List of String |
No zipped folder submitted for processing. File Format is Invalid. File Not Found In Zip. File Size is Above permissible limit. Error- Can't delete the file because there are multiple attachments with the name. Attachments are not allowed to be uploaded/updated for this contract status. Please contact Administrator |
DocumentPasList | ||||
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
PasName |
No |
String |
Category field cannot not be left blank or an invalid value has been specified which does not exist in the system or category selected is not mapped with the contract author. |
ClientPASCode |
No |
String |
Please enter the correct data in Category code. |
EntityDetails | ||||
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
EntityCode |
No |
String |
Please enter the correct data in Entity type, Entity code, LOB. |
EntityType |
No |
String |
Please enter the correct data in Entity type, Entity code, LOB. |
Lob |
No |
String |
Please enter the correct data in Entity type, Entity code, LOB. |
EntityDisplayName |
No |
String |
The organization Entity field cannot be left blank or an invalid value has been specified which does not exist in the system or the Organization Entity value selected is not mapped with the contract author. |
EntityLevel |
No |
String |
Organization Entity Level field cannot be left blank or an invalid value has been specified which does not exist in the system or the Organization Entity Level value selected is not mapped with the contract author. |
DocumentRegionList | ||||
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
ClientRegionCode |
No |
String |
Please enter the correct data in Region code. |
RegionName |
No |
String |
Region field cannot be left blank or an invalid value has been specified which does not exist in the system or the region value selected is not mapped with the contract author. |
RegionLevel |
No |
Integer |
Region level field cannot be left blank or an invalid value has been specified which does not exist in the system or the region value selected is not mapped with the contract author. |
LegalCompanies | ||||
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
SequenceId |
No |
Integer |
LegalCompanyName |
No |
String |
PartnerTypeName |
No |
String |
DocumentStakeHolderList | ||||
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
GroupSequenceId |
No |
Integer |
StakeholderType |
No |
String |
EmailId |
No |
String |
ClientPartnerCode |
No |
String |
PartnerTypeName |
No |
String |
PaymentTermDetails | ||||
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
PaymentTermCode |
No |
String |
Please enter the correct data in the Payment term code. |
PaymentTerm |
No |
String |
Payment term field cannot be left blank or an invalid value has been specified which does not exist in the system or the value specified is not applicable for the contract type specified |
AdditionalInformationTabList | ||||
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
AdditionalInformationSectionList |
No |
List of AdditionalInformationSection object |
TabName |
No |
String |
AdditionalInformationSectionList | ||||
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
AdditionalInformationQuestionList |
No |
List of AdditionalInformationQuestions object |
SectionName |
No |
String |
AdditionalInformationQuestionList | ||||
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
QuestionText |
No |
String |
The question does not exist in the repository. |
QuestionsResponseList |
No |
List of AdditionalInformationQuestionsResponse object |
Response value to question is missing
QuestionsResponseList | ||||
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
Answer |
No |
String |
IsChildQuestionPresent |
No |
Boolean |
ChildQuestionList |
No |
List of AdditionalInformationQuestions object |
ContractLinkInfo | ||||
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
DocumentTypeCode |
No |
String |
Invalid document type code specified |
DocumentNumber |
No |
String |
DateCreated |
No |
DateTime |
DocumentNumber |
No |
String |
CreatedBy |
No |
String |
AssociationType |
No |
String |
ContractLineItemList | ||||
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
IsTaxExempt |
No |
String |
ClientPasCode |
No |
String |
CatalogName |
No |
String |
Gtin |
No |
String |
ManufacturerItemNumber |
No |
String |
PartnerItemNumber |
No |
Boolean |
ManufacturerName |
No |
Boolean |
ItemAbbrevationCode |
No |
String |
ItemType |
No |
String |
UnspscId |
No |
Long |
LineItemNo |
No |
Long |
Quantity |
No |
Decimal |
TaxAmount |
No |
Decimal |
UnitPrice |
No |
Decimal |
UomCode |
No |
String |
PasCode |
No |
Long |
ItemDescription |
No |
String |
ItemName |
No |
String |
ItemCode |
No |
Long |
ItemId |
No |
Long |
EndDate |
No |
DateTime |
StartDate |
No |
DateTime |
TotalPrice |
No |
Decimal |
LineItemStatus |
No |
String |
InboundContractComments | ||||
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
CommentSequenceNumber |
No |
String |
Comment Sequence Number* field cannot be left blank or an invalid value has been specified. Duplicate/Invalid/Non-numeric Sequence Number is added. |
CommentText |
No |
String |
Comment Text* field cannot be left blank or an invalid value has been specified. |
CommentBy |
No |
String |
Invalid user entered in Comment by field. |
VisibleTo |
No |
String |
Visible to Internal or Both* field cannot be left blank or an invalid value has been specified. Visible to Type field cannot be left blank or an invalid value has been specified. |
CommentType |
No |
String |
Comment Type field cannot be left blank or an invalid value has been specified. |
ContractAttachments | ||||
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
AccessibletoSupplier |
No |
Boolean |
Invalid Value For Accessible To Supplier. |
IsCompressed |
No |
Boolean |
CompressedAttachmentsData |
No |
String |
ErrorMessage |
No |
String |
AttachmentDetails |
No |
List of ContractAttachmentDetails object |
AttachmentDetails | ||||
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations / Exceptions |
AttachmentName |
No |
String |
The attachment name cannot be left blank. File Format is Invalid. File Not Found In Zip. File Size is Above permissible limit. No zipped folder submitted for processing. An invalid contract attachment name has been entered which does not exist in the contract. Error- Can't delete the file because there are multiple attachments with the name. Attachments are not allowed to be uploaded/updated for this contract status. Please contact Administrator |
AttachmentData |
No |
String |
Action |
No |
String |
AttachmentType |
No |
Enum |